A Pagan Emperor Humbled (Daniel 4)

Berean Bible Church Queensland https://www.bbcq.org

Imagine the international stir if the media circulated global news that one of the highest profile world leaders of our day – a man like the Russian President, Vladimir Putin suddenly disappeared from public sight. Speculation begins to surface that he has suffered a complete breakdown in his mental health. Roughly a year passes, and he returns to public life. He calls a media conference and openly declares to the world that he has become a Christian. In that announcement he unashamedly glorifies the one, true and living God. The international community would be in shock!

Does that seem possible – that a world leader could become a Christian?
There is true story of a leader of a ‘world superpower’ who was humbled and converted by the grace of God…

A Pagan Emperor Humbled (Daniel 4)
BBCQ Evening Gospel Service (13/10/24)
Trophies of Grace #3
Pastor Troy Cane

For more information visit us at https://www.bbcq.org
or on facebook at / bereanbiblechurchqld
Email: info@bbcq.org

Berean Bible Church of Queensland
CCLI streaming license # 1031910