We are grateful for God’s blessing on our Reformation Service this last Lord’s Day with the bringing together of believers from various churches and places.
We are grateful for God’s blessing on our Reformation Service this last Lord’s Day with the bringing together of believers from various churches and places.
Berean ladies were blessed this morning as they met for breakfast, fellowship, encouragement and prayer, as they heard about ‘a woman named Damaris’ (Acts 17:34).
Please pray for God’s blessing on the gospel seed recently scattered in hundreds of Ipswich homes. “So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase.” 1 Cor.3:7
Berean Bible Church recently celebrated 20 years of God’s goodness. We spent our anniversary weekend rejoicing as we rehearsed Christ’s work among us and through us, worshipped, heard testimonies, and ate food reflecting the international flavour of our congregation today! …
Praise God from whom all blessings flow . . . . . Berean School of Theology had two ‘blessing-filled’ days receiving heart-warming, Christ-exalting instruction on the Doctrine of Salvation by Ps Jeremy Walker.
We are thankful for a weekend of blessing at the QLD REFORMED BAPTIST FAMILY CONFERENCE as like-minded brethren and sister churches (1689) gathered for fellowship, and to receive the preaching of Ps Jeremy Walker on ‘The House of God’.
“And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved.” Acts 2:47 – Only the gospel can unite believers from various nations!
Working together to care for what God has entrusted to us to use for His honour and His glorious gospel!
Berean testimonies and baptisms are such a joy. All praise to our Redeemer!