9:00am Worship Service Morning Tea 11:00am Prayer 5:00pm Evening Service
9:00am Worship Service Morning Tea 11:00am Adult Bible Study / Sunday School 5:00pm Prayer Meeting
6:00pm Dinner (for those available) Bring own food. 7:00pm Bible Fellowship
9:00am Worship Service Morning Tea 11:00am Prayer Meeting / Sunday School 5:00pm Gospel Service Light Meal Our monthly evangelistic service (2nd Sunday evening) is designed to encourage you to bring a non-Christian visitor with you to sit under the preaching …
All Berean ladies are invited to come together for fellowship, nurture, and prayer. “. . . the older women admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their …
Due to the family conference there will no service at Ipswich.
We invite you to join us for the 23rd annual Queensland Reformed Baptist Family Conference (sponsored by Berean Bible Church). It promises to be a weekend of spiritual blessing, through the preaching of God’s Word and fellowship of God’s people. …
9:00am Worship Service Morning Tea 5:00pm Prayer Service Light Meal
6:00pm Dinner (for those available) Bring own food. 7:00pm Bible Fellowship